As you can probably see by now, I've decided to be a Simblr!
Exciting. Complicated. New. Thrill.
Anyways, I just wanted to inform you all that I've created a Tumblr for other stories that will focus more on story-telling than continuing on a family legacy or that other Sim shit. Lmfao, I know it's been a while ( a long while ) since I last posted, but that's because I'm just fixing things up and trying to reboot some things. Plus, my disc drive is complicated right now since I have to buy another DVD Writer, which sucks. Hopefully, I'll be able to start Simming again by next week since I've been busy in the time I last updated.
We have to get ready for the statewide test next week, and then in May, I have to take the Algebra 1 EOC... I'm good at math, just not the very best. I know the formulas, I know what to do, but sometimes I forget. Oops.
Well, thanks for reading, and I'm glad people seem to actually be reading what I'm typing at this very moment. It means a lot that I know many people do read my things and that I'm not just writing for my own amusement.
You can get the link to my Simblr right here.