The next day quickly comes by, and the Twins rush out to their father's car to get to school this Tuesday morning. The Twins are extremely excited, their birthday is coming up, and so is their mothers'.
"What are we gonna get for Mommy's birthday, Dad?" Brian asked.
"Ooh! Ooh!" Justine raised her hand as she bounced in the front passenger's seat.
Justin chuckled, "Yes, monkey girl?"
"Maybe we can make her Breakfast-in-Bed!"
Justin thought about it, and said it might be a great idea. Yet, he was thinking about taking Bianca out for a dinner date, like old times. She needed a night away from the kids, she hasn't been away from them since the day they were born - she needs a carefree day to herself.
"So, Daddy," Justine interrupted her father's thoughts. "What are you-"
"Gonna get for our birthday?" Brian finished for his older twin sister. "I really want a piano. But, maybe I should get piano lessons first - to see if I really want one."
"Oh, and I want a video camera," Justine chimed in. "I wanna record things - like our family, my friends, and outside!"
"I already have your present's, kiddos," Justin said.
This made the Twins stop making suggestions, and start pestering their father about what he got them for their teen birthdays. Justine guessed a car and Brian guessed a computer, but both were (sadly, as Justine said) wrong. Now, the Twins were asking if Justin hid the present at their house or their paternal grandparent's.
Justin knew that his kids were going to search everywhere in his house for their birthday presents, wanting a sneak peek before they actually receive it. Yet, he hid it somewhere where they'll never find it... And Bianca knew where it was, too.

Bianca had put the Triplets in the living room, and turned on the TV for them to watch. She didn't want to look after bored toddlers who might want to cry from the lack of entertainment - yet all the Christmas decorations around the house kept them distracted for a few minutes, taking in all the new colorful things.
Bianca also took the time alone with her little girls to teach them their toddler skills.
They were growing up really fast.
Bianca decided to teach Rosalie first on how to talk while the girls watch TV.
The word "laundry" was the first word Rosalie said correctly, with "desk" being the second one after two failed attempts at different words.
Rosalie loved her mother's attention, and was learning words at a regular pace. Which reminded Bianca that she still hasn't made any attempt to take Justine to a doctor to see why she had learned at a very slow pace when she was younger - which she still does, and her teachers have been asking for her to try harder in school.
No more fooling around, Bianca said to herself. You need to make an appointment tomorrow for Justine. Don't forget!
Rosalie continued to progress normally like any other toddler (besides Justine).
Yet, Ashlie began to wail, wanting to be changed. Carlie, as well, had a dirty diaper.
So did Rosalie.
After the Triplets were changed, Bianca decided to teach Carlie how to walk.
Carlie seemed quite excited to take her first steps, and she was a natural walker! She even (clumsily) shook her hips a little, much to Bianca's surprised and amusement.
Yet, the Triplets soon wanted to be fed after the Backyardigans went to commercial after going on a mission with Pablo - the blue penguin - being Agent Secret.
Bianca fed her three little girls, who happily sucked their baby bottles.
Soon, the school/work day was over, and Justin drove
the Twins back home in the crisp December air.
Meanwhile, back at the Kayes' home, Bianca was starving. So, when the Triplets drank their bottles, Bianca grabbed some healthy yogurt from the refrigerator.
Once Justin got home, he decided to teach Rosalie how to walk, whom (just like Carlie) immediately walked towards her father on the first try.
Once Bianca finished her little snack, she began to pick up
where she left off with Little Carlie.
The Twins got home and showed their mother their permission slips to attend a field trip to the Wilsonoff Community Theatre tomorrow. They had already showed the slip to their father, who had told them to "ask your mother".
Bianca signed the slips, and said that the money would be on the counter the next morning, after she made a quick trip to the bank (and an appointment with the pediatrician).
The Twins had to work on their homework and look after their little sister, Ashlie, while their parents were busying teaching their other sisters their toddler skills.
"Jeesh, I hate school so much," Justine complained to her brother. "The desks are just too uncomfortable to sit on for a long time."
"It's not so bad, Justie," Brian tried to change his sister's pessimistic view of school. "You just gotta... Try your best, and you'll ace the test!"
Justine smiled at her little brother's made-up quote. "Easy for you to say, Bri-Bri. You're an A student, you finish your work early, and you know all the answers to the homework. It only takes you about ten or fifteen minutes to finish all of the questions!"
"Well, I just understand it better, I guess," Brian said shyly. "Doesn't mean I'm better than you."
"But, still, I just hate school!" Justine continued on with her mini-rant. "I'm just going to drop out when I'm fifteen or something. Who needs school, anyways?"

"Oh, c'mon, Justie," Brian said. "How are you ever going to find a job without going to school? Or getting your diploma? The only school you'll be going to is Do-You-Want-Fries-With-That? University. Before you know it, you'll be working at McDonalds!"
Justine rolled her eyes at her twin brother, "Brian, calm down. Besides, many celebrities used to work at McDonalds before becoming famous. So, McDonalds is like the first step you take to becoming 'somebody'."
"I still think you should go to school, just in case," Brian suggested.
Justine questioned, "Just-in-case what?"
"So that if your dream doesn't work out, then you have something to fall back on."
Carlie came back inside from learning how to walk. Like the show-off she is, she decided to impress her siblings that she could fully walk...
But, instead, tripped and fell on the carpeted floor.
Meanwhile, Ashlie was being potty trained by her mother, and Brian (had finished his homework earlier than Justine, as usual) decided to kill some time in entertaining his weeping little sister.
Ashlie was trying hard to push, making faces and patting the potty.
"Where's Carlie?" Brian asked, covering his hands in his face.
Carlie copied her older brother while Justine watched,
finishing her homework two hours later than Brian.
"Peek-a-boo! There she is!"
Getting a bit bored of watching her younger siblings play, Justine got hungry and walked into the kitchen. She grabbed a plate from one of the cabinets, grabbed a slice of bread, too, and scanned the refrigerator for some jam.
With a butter knife, Justine dipped it into the jam and spread it on the slice of bread. Then she put away all her materials and cleaned up some of the splattered jam that fell on the small kitchen floor.
We need a bigger kitchen, Justine said to herself.
As Brian continued to play peek-a-boo with Carlie, Justine's
imaginary friend played, too, yet they couldn't see Wiggles but her.
Justine sat on the couch since the Kayes family didn't really have any space for a dinner table. Which, Justine thought, they needed just like they needed a bigger kitchen.
Brian's imaginary friend, Lucky, was also in the living room, yet Lucky was busy looking at all the Christmas decorations. Lucky liked them, and wondered why they were there.
When Justine finished her snack, she watched her plate. But, she thought about school, which ruined her mood a bit. Though she did manage to get good grades (mostly due to extra credit), Justine seemed to learn at a slower pace than her classmates - this made her feel like something was wrong with her among her friends.
Carlie was soon lead away from Brian by Bianca to be taught on how to use the bathroom. She didn't really want to say goodbye to her diapers just yet... Much to Bianca's disappointment.
Ashlie, on the other hand, was having some trouble with walking. She didn't want to be so high up from the ground, but being thrown up in her father's arms was worth it.
Since Rosalie loved company and Justine didn't know what else to do around the tiny house, she decided to play a game of peek-a-boo with her baby sister.
Yet, Bianca had to take her away, too, to learn to use the potty.
Brian and Justine decided to watch some cartoons on TV as Carlie joined them.
Lucky was still fascinated with all the colorful lights around the house while Wiggles was staring at all the presents surrounding the giant tree.
Justin tried encouraging Ashlie to walk towards him, yet she was being stubborn.
"Maybe I should start getting on a treadmill," Brian said. "I need to boast up my athletic skill if I'm ever going to play sports in middle or high school."
Justine just laughed at her little brother, "Well, there's a treadmill at that gym in town, but I don't think Santa Clause is going to buy you one."
"Hey, what about you," Brian said. "Didn't you say that you wanted to join the track team before? I mean, you'd be pretty good at it, but you might want to start exercising more."
"You think so?"
Justine liked the thought of somebody thinking she was really good at something she didn't have to work hard at to achieve.
The Twins continued to watch TV, both having similar reactions about what was happening on TV. Carlie looked at her older siblings like they were crazy.
Once Rosalie was done being potty-trained, she walked out of the bathroom, stepping on the messy floor that was the result of the Triplet's messy lessons.
"Do I really have to clean this up?" Bianca asked herself miserably. "Well, Bianca, this is what you get when you have babies around."
"C'mon, Ash," Justin cooed at his youngest daughter. "It's easy. See, you gotta stand up. Then you move your foot. See... Left. Right. Left... Right! Left, right, left, right. Good girl! You're doing great, Ashlie."
After finishing his lesson with Ashlie, Justin had to teach Carlie how to talk.
He believes Carlie doesn't like clowns because she began to cry and leave when he tried to make her say it. But, she got "Hidden Springs", right.
Bianca excited out of the bathroom when she heard Carlie say, "Hidden Springs". Automatically, Bianca froze, and slipped back into the bathroom.
Justin continued with Carlie's lesson.
Bianca then received a call from her older brother, Marcus Ewing. She was surprised that he had called her, after all these years. Bianca had written to her family, but hasn't done so since she had been busy with the kids. Besides, she didn't want Twinbrook knowing just yet about her family.
"When are you coming to visit? Ya know, with your family," Marcus asked. "Dad and Mom want to see them. You have five right?"
"Yeah," Bianca blushed. She was the only one out of her two siblings to have many children. Marcus had only one little boy while her sister, Caitlin, had two girls. "One set of twins and triplets."
"Dang, little sister," Marcus said. "You sure do make a lot of babies with Justin. Dad was wondering when he'll be able to meet his son-in-law."
"Actually, Marcus, Justin doesn't really know about our family," Bianca confessed. She began to explain why she had kept her parent's and siblings' fame a secret to Twinbrook, Simsouri. She wanted to make a name for herself without the help of her family's.
Marcus understood, yet told her the sooner the family knows, the better. But, Bianca told him that she didn't want her family to earn friends through her family's fame but through them instead. Marcus had to go, he had to go to practice for an upcoming game this Friday night. Bianca told him to tell her parents that she missed them and that for summer vacation, that the family would come and visit.
Now, all she had to do, was tell them.
Ashlie seemed to like to talk about romance, and easily picked up all those type of words that were related to it...
Carlie, surprisingly, was getting all the work-related words right.
Ashlie loved to talk about parties and gifts, and Bianca knew that Ashlie would be a very social butterfly when she started school next fall.