Justin wakes up around two o'clock in the morning. He tries to go back to sleep, but he can't.
Instead, he makes sure he doesn't wake a snoring Bianca, and heads into the kitchen where he silently reads his book.
* Creator's Note *
I'm surprised Justin doesn't have the Bookworm trait.
Around six-thirty, Bianca woke up and noticed that Justin wasn't in bed with her. She felt stupid to have fallen so fast for a man she barely knew. Refusing to curl back in bed and lose her job for some guy, she walks out to the kitchen and is startled to see Justin at her kitchen counter, reading silently.
Justin hears the floor creak under Bianca's feet, and he looks up from his book to greet her with a smile, "Morning, sleepyhead."
"Uh, good morning," Bianca says sheepishly. She feels guilty for even thinking a guy like Justin would just leave if he didn't hit a home run. Ignoring the fact that she's still in her underwear, Bianca makes breakfast for the two of them.

"If you don't mind, I'm a bit starved," Justin admits. "I've been up since two in the morning, and I don't think I can wait for some waffles."
Bianca nods her head, "There's some leftover autumn salad from last night, you can eat that."
Bianca nods her head, "There's some leftover autumn salad from last night, you can eat that."
As soon as Bianca grabs herself some waffles, Justin finishes his plate of salad and disappears into Bianca's bedroom.
While Bianca eats her breakfast plate on the couch, Justin relaxes on the double bed.
Bianca cleans the dishes when she's done with her breakfast, and puts the leftover waffles inside the refrigerator.
Bianca enters her bedroom to find Justin smiling at her flirtatiously. Without a second thought, she climbs into bed with him and they cuddle.
And do more...
After making love for the first time, Bianca and Justin lay in each other's arms, comfortable in the silence.
A few moments later, Justin receives a few texts from his roommates, who kept calling him last night, wondering where he was. Getting dressed, Justin promises Bianca that he'll call her when he gets the chance.
Before leaving, Justin informs Bianca that there's a festival in town, a great place where she'll get to meet some more locals. He suggests she could go and enjoy herself before working later that evening. She agrees and gets dressed, too.
Justin drops her off, and the first place Bianca goes to is the tanning booth. Coughing up $90, she is soon rewarded with the perfect tan - she's the Summer Queen!
Bianca decides to buy some funnel cake since she hasn't eaten lunch yet.
Eating her snack, Bianca notices ladybugs crawling near her picnic table...
She also notices Justin at the festival. They wave hello to each other before he starts practicing his soccer skills.
After finishing her funnel cake, Bianca notices the time on her cellphone.
It's almost 4:00 P.M., Bianca thinks to herself. I gotta get to work.
Justin waves goodbye just as Bianca walks to the Grocery Grab Supermarket, making it just in time for her shift.
Bianca couldn't wait until the clock struck 7:00 PM, she's been stocking shelves full of fresh fruit and vegetables all day.
Grocery Grab Supermarket had told her to always populate the shelves, so every time someone came in and took some apples, she had to put another one in - which she thought was a pointless thing, but she kept that comment to herself.
But it was worth it since she got $90 for working the longest three hours of her life.
Grocery Grab Supermarket had told her to always populate the shelves, so every time someone came in and took some apples, she had to put another one in - which she thought was a pointless thing, but she kept that comment to herself.
But it was worth it since she got $90 for working the longest three hours of her life.
Right after her shift ended, Bianca rounded the corner and walked into Always Studious Bookstore, hoping to buy a pregnancy book just in case she ever was expecting - she wanted to be prepared if she ever had a child.
Unfortunately, the book she was looking for cost about $300, and she only had less than $240 in her purse.
Asking for directions to the local library, Bianca left the bookstore, and called a cab to take her to Lakeside Community Library.
She hoped that the library would have a pregnancy section or a baby section for her to read for free... The closest book she found for babies was a book you could read to your young child.
A bit disappointed, Bianca headed back to the festival where she picked some wildflowers, and found an odd-looking object.
Bianca's scavenger hunt was soon interrupted when she felt like she was going to puke.
Ignoring her light-headiness, Bianca continued to pick up seeds and wildflowers.
As Bianca picked up a lovely blue flower...
She was hit with another wave of nausea. Bianca knew her stomach was now threatening her to go home because the "throw-up" feeling wouldn't leave. Calling a cab, she headed home.
Before she could make it inside to the sink or the toilet, Bianca threw up outside her house; luckily, the only witnesses to her little puke-fest were fireflies.
Wiping away some vomit on her chin with her shirt, Bianca noticed her mailbox, and found some bills. She paid them with the little money she had.
Just as she was heading inside, Bianca noticed something glistening in the crescent moon's light.
She made her way towards it and picked it up... It was a seed.
As Bianca got ready for bed from a long day, she couldn't help but wonder why she was getting sick.
Could it be because she caught a bug on the way to Twinbrook from Hidden Springs?
Or was something else going on?
Ahaha, perhaps I spoke too soon. Bring on the babies!