The night sky turn lighter as the early morning hours came.
Bianca woke up groggily from not getting much sleep the night before; her stomach growled, angry that she hadn't eaten breakfast yet.
After eating leftover cold waffles due to not owning a microwave, Bianca goes into the bathroom to take a nice warm bath, which she didn't do last night.
But, the familiar wave of nausea hits again, and this time, Bianca makes it to the toilet.
Wanting to get rid of the lingering horrible taste in her mouth, Bianca grabbed her toothbrush, rinsed it with the sink water, and then put toothpaste on the bristles of her toothbrush. She began to brush her teeth, scrubbing her tongue about five times.
While she stares at herself in the mirror, continuing to brush her teeth, Bianca makes up some ideas why she could be throwing up. It could be just the flu, something she ate, or it could have been because of the night she had given her virginity to Justin.
While she stares at herself in the mirror, continuing to brush her teeth, Bianca makes up some ideas why she could be throwing up. It could be just the flu, something she ate, or it could have been because of the night she had given her virginity to Justin.
To try and distract herself, Bianca decides to do some household chores.
Just as she's about to leave her bedroom, Bianca's phone begins to ring. Anxiously, she hopes it's Justin.
But to her disappointment, it's somebody in town who wants her to enter a cooking contest. She lashes out on the caller, feeling a bit guilty as she hangs up.
But to her disappointment, it's somebody in town who wants her to enter a cooking contest. She lashes out on the caller, feeling a bit guilty as she hangs up.
To calm herself down, Bianca does some laundry...
Makes the bed...
And recycles the old newspapers she's neglected to read for the past two (counting today, three) days.
After cleaning her house, Bianca decides to relax in the bathtub until she has to work.
Before she can take off her clothes to get into the tub, Bianca feels her stomach and realizes the true reason why she's been vomiting a lot lately.
Bianca decides to invite her boyfriend over and tell him the news face-to-face.
"I'd be there in five minutes," Justin replies as they both hang up.
Bianca rubs her belly anxiously as she waits for Justin to arrive.
How is he going to react to this? Bianca can't help but ask herself. Is he going to want to be part of our child's life? Or will he just leave and not want anything to do with the little baby?
As Bianca continues to stress herself out, Justin arrives and walks over to her small home.
Bianca looks out her window and sees him walking towards her home. Sighing, she opens the door and greets her boyfriend - For now, Bianca says to herself.
"What's the matter?" Justin asks. "You sounded a bit like you were depressed on the phone. Did something happen?"
"You could say that," Bianca nervously laughs. "Uhm, I actually called you over because I have something to tell you."
Justin's usual smile is replaced with a more concerned look. "What is it?"
"I-I-I'm... Uh... I-I'm," Bianca stammers. "Justin, I'm p-pregnant."
Bianca flinches and looks at the ground, but takes a look at Justin, scanning his face for any sign of rejection.
But his face doesn't show any sign of regret, remorse, or disgust.
He's actually smiling.
He's actually smiling.
"I'm going to be a Daddy?!"
Bianca smiles at Justin's eagerness, "Yes, Justin, you're going to be having a child."
Bianca confesses her worries to Justin, who tells her how she could ever think that.
"I actually thought you were going to break up with me or something," Justin shyly admits.
"Why would you think that?" Bianca chuckles.
"Because you're the first girlfriend I had that I actually really cared about," Justin confesses. "I thought you were way too perfect for me. I was actually worrying that you were going to tell me that you were seeing someone else."
"That's silly."
"You never know, we just met like three days ago," Justin jokes.
"Besides, this relationship is my first serious one. I know it's not just a small fling that'll last for less than two years."
Bianca and Justin talk about their unborn baby, both talking about how to raise him/her.
"It costs a lot of money to raise a kid theses days," Bianca informs her boyfriend.
"We're going to spend a lot of money on diapers, bottles, and clothes. Are you sure you want to raise a baby?"
Justin chuckles, "It sounds like you're trying to convince me to ditch you and my child."
"I'm just making sure you want to raise our kid," Bianca says. "Once you're a part of his or her life, there's no backing out."
"Let me move in then," Justin says. "I won't back out 'cause I won't have a place to live."
He jokes.
"I'm being serious, Justin."
"I'm being serious, Bianca. Let me move in with you and the baby," he smiles.
"I'll do anything to support my growing family."
When Justin said the words, "My growing family," Bianca knew he was the One.
He would never leave her or their child; he'll always be there
when they would need him; and he'll try his best to be a good father.
When Justin moved in, the household funds boasted up from $216 to $961.
This gave them an oppurtunity to buy a crib for their unborn baby,
a stereo, and a bookcase (mainly for Justin, of course).
But, the new items bring down their funds to about $411.
Giving Justin a makeover, I noticed that he had some REALLY big ears.
So finding the perfect hairstyle for this Computer Whiz was a
bit difficult - yet not impossible.
As soon as Justin received a new makeover, he got a wish to join the
education career (probably just to support himself, his girlfriend, and his unborn child), and he headed down to Stary Community School to apply for a job.
*Creator's Note: Like the new makeover?
Aqua is definitely his color - plus it's his favorite.*
Justin applies, and soon gets a job as Playground Monitor.
It pays $20 an hour, five days a week, 8 AM to 2 PM.
With this money, I can make $120 per day, Justin says to himself. And I make $600 a week!
While Justin hops into his car, happy that he'll be able to support his family with decent money, Bianca reads a cooking book from the bookcase.
Just as Justin arrives in front of the house,
Bianca gets a bit hungry and eats some leftovers.
Justin joins her, washes the plates, and then gets ready for bed.
Bianca heads into the bathroom to relax
before heading off to bed.
Bianca and Justin dream about their unborn child,
wondering how he/she will look like.
Bianca dreams about her new life with
Justin and their baby.
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