Justin is the first one awake this Sunday morning...
Creeping into the living room quietly without waking his fiancée and his children.
He heads into the kitchen to grab some leftover waffles for breakfast.
He heads into the kitchen to grab some leftover waffles for breakfast.
After he finishes his meal of cold waffles, Justin cleans his plate,
and makes his side of his bed - careful not to wake Bianca.
and makes his side of his bed - careful not to wake Bianca.
Justin then heads into the bathroom and runs the water to take a bath...
That's when he can see something out the bathroom window.
He sees things for a wedding and tables for a birthday party...?
Oh, that's right, Justin remembers what Bianca had told him yesterday. That today was going to be the day of their wedding and the kids' birthday party.
In the other room, Brian cries, wanting to be fed.
Bianca awakens as Brian's cries wake his sister.
Justine is now crying her head off from being awaken
and now wants to be fed as well.
Bianca is in a rotten mood since she's sick and had to wake up
to the cries of her babies...
and now wants to be fed as well.
Bianca is in a rotten mood since she's sick and had to wake up
to the cries of her babies...
Bianca tries to calm down Justine just as Justin walks into the room.
In his tuxedo, Justin snuggles Little Baby Boy Brian as Bianca slides
down her nightgown's strap to feed a hungry Justine.
down her nightgown's strap to feed a hungry Justine.
Once the Twins on content, Bianca jumps at the chance to
finally get some time for herself.
She runs a bath to get ready for her wedding...
finally get some time for herself.
She runs a bath to get ready for her wedding...
While Justin tidies up around the room, he also gets gussied
up for today.
up for today.
As the young couple get ready, their first guest for the parties
arrives... Meet Sunnup Xip, a friend of Justin's (Part 5).
arrives... Meet Sunnup Xip, a friend of Justin's (Part 5).
There's also somebody else who shows up who wasn't invited...
Justin's father, Archie Kayes, and his mother, Jenna, arrive
along with his best friend, Lang Gwydd.
along with his best friend, Lang Gwydd.
Dilly Pidgins and the second guest's father arrive - uninvited.
Amy Bull arrives, with her tattoos and tight dress.
As the guest wait for Bianca to get ready, Justin's parents
decided to slow dance...?
decided to slow dance...?
Meet Calvin Kayes, Justin's kid brother. He's also Justin's
Best Man for today. Look at his green suit, isn't he just a little cutie?
Justin puts the Twins outside, to witness their parent's wedding
and to blow out their birthday candles.
and to blow out their birthday candles.
Bianca is soon ready, and her soon-to-be husband is right
besides her on the alter as well as his Best Man.
besides her on the alter as well as his Best Man.
As everyone begins to gather around the couple, Calvin and Bianca
get to know each other, since this was the first time she met Justin's family.
get to know each other, since this was the first time she met Justin's family.
Soon enough, everyone gathers around to witness Justin and Bianca's
The guests begin to get teary-eyed as the ceremony begins...
"I know pronounce you my husband, Justin Kayes."
"And I pronounce you my wife, Bianca Ewing Kayes."
"You may now kiss the bride!"
The guests say in unison.
The guests say in unison.
Mr. and Mrs. Kayes kiss,
just as the crowd cheers them on.
just as the crowd cheers them on.
Everyone begins to throw rice at the newlyweds,
especially Calvin.
especially Calvin.
The new couple head towards the wedding cake to cut it.
Justin's family and the rest of the guest excitedly cheer for the
new married couple.
new married couple.
"Before I cut the cake," Bianca announces over the
laughter and talk of the wedding guests. "I just want to thank all
of you for coming to our wedding and the first birthday party for our children.
Now, who wants some strawberry vanilla-frosted cake?"
laughter and talk of the wedding guests. "I just want to thank all
of you for coming to our wedding and the first birthday party for our children.
Now, who wants some strawberry vanilla-frosted cake?"
As Bianca slices her wedding cake, everybody is eager for a slice
of frosted-goodness.
of frosted-goodness.
One guest, though, has left early...
Justin joins his good friend Anna-Liza Riddle, who's grown
to be like a grandmother to him. His brother and his mother join
him with their plates of wedding cake.
to be like a grandmother to him. His brother and his mother join
him with their plates of wedding cake.
Lang soon has to leave. Bianca gives him a slice of
wedding cake to take home.
wedding cake to take home.
With no more seats to sit on, Bianca and Archie talk while
enjoying their slices of cake.
enjoying their slices of cake.
"This is the first time I'm meeting my grandchildren," Jenna tells Anna-Liza
as Justin grabs the plates. "I'm just glad I'm around to witness their first birthdays."
"Mom, you're not that old," Justin and Calvin say at the same time.
Jenna is always fishing for compliments, especially from her sons.
as Justin grabs the plates. "I'm just glad I'm around to witness their first birthdays."
"Mom, you're not that old," Justin and Calvin say at the same time.
Jenna is always fishing for compliments, especially from her sons.
As everyone enjoys the party, it's soon time for Justine to blow
out her candles...
out her candles...
Yet everybody soon left.
Bianca and Justin don't really care if they have an audience
for their Twin's birthdays, they just want their family together
for today.
for their Twin's birthdays, they just want their family together
for today.
Justine soon is engulfed with colorful sparkles as she begins to
age up into the next life state...
age up into the next life state...
*Author's Note:*
Justine Ewing-Kayes before...
Justine Ewing-Kayes after.
Look at her Derp Eyes.
Next up, it's Brian's turn to blow out his birthday candle.
His family cheers him on - well, Justine is speaking baby gibberish,
but she could be cheering him on.
but she could be cheering him on.
Brian is soon surrounded by the sparkles of aging...
*Author's Note:*
Brian Ewing-Kayes before...
Brian Ewing-Kayes before...
Brian Ewing-Kayes after.
Looks like Bianca is all smiles for witnessing her babies'
first birthdays.
first birthdays.
The newlyweds enter their home to put down their toddlers
as they clean up.
as they clean up.
Justine and Brian play with the toys that
Aunt Francine had sent to them.
Aunt Francine had sent to them.
Bianca and Justin clean up after their guests, putting away
cake slices, and washing plates.
After putting their toddlers in their swings for a nap,
the newlyweds get some alone time.
the newlyweds get some alone time.
They had promised each other to not WooHoo
until after they were married.
until after they were married.
The couple begin to snuggle and relax in each other's arms.
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