Friday, April 12, 2013

Sims 3: Ewing-Kayes (Part 15)

With Rosalie in the house, there would never be sleep at night, that's for sure.

Bianca noticed that Rosalie was the most whiniest out of all her children, and wondered why. The thought also brought her to remember about how Justine was falling behind her younger brother when they were learning their months ago.
As Justine entered the bedroom the kids all shared, she hoped that none of them had been woken up by Rosalie's cries...
Justine and Brian weren't too happy with their younger sister for waking them in the early before the sun was out.
Brian and Justine shot their mother cranky looks.

"Kids, go back to bed," Bianca whispered, hoping Rosalie would not wake up her other sisters. "I'm going to feed her and then she'll go back to bed. I promise."

The Twins climbed back onto their beds, yet they couldn't sleep until they made sure Rosalie wouldn't disrupt their slumber again.
After feeding her, Bianca placed her baby back into her crib and the Twins sleepily tucked themselves into bed, catching up on some missed Z's.
Justin woke up at 7:00 in the morning, since he had to work today.

Carefully, he climbed out of bed, not wanting to wake his wife - who he had seen get out of bed due to Rosalie's cries late at night.
Justine was the first one to wake up when the dim morning sun shone into their bedroom. 

"Brian, wake up," she softly said, she didn't want to wake up her sleeping sisters. "It's time for school."

Groggily, Brian tossed the blanket off of him as he swung his legs down to the carpet floor.
Justine quickly got herself dressed for her first day at school. She was extremely nervous.

Would I make any friends? Would I like my teacher? What if the work is too hard? What if nobody likes me? Will Brian be in my class or will we be separated?
These were the thoughts that ran through her head as she tied her white shoelaces. She didn't want to be away from Brian; they have been together since... Well, since they were babies!
After changing, Justine headed into the kitchen for some leftover birthday cake. She knew she should have eaten some cereal instead, but the cake seemed to hypnotize her as she had opened the refrigerator.
Justin was upstairs to play with a lonely Ashlie, who's cries (thankfully) hadn't woken up her sisters.
Meanwhile, the Twins are downstairs either grabbing 
their breakfast or cleaning up after themselves.
Justine walks over to her pink-and-grey backpack that her maternal grandmother that lives in Hidden Springs has given her for her birthday. Brian also received one, too, but his is blue-and-yellow.
Rosalie's cries are heard downstairs; Justin needs to feed her before having to go to work and has to drop of the kids at school.
The Twins quickly climb into their father's car, which he is waiting inside to get going. Justine calls dibs on the front passenger seat while Brian is sent to the back.
At home, Rosalie and Carlie drift off into sleep while Ashlie is wide-awake.
Bianca soon wakes up, and trudges upstairs to care for a crying Ashlie.

Ashlie's cries had woken up Carlie, so Bianca had to place both of the girls in their older siblings' baby swings as she ate breakfast and managed to do a few chores around the house.
But Rosalie woke up from her nap and began crying, wanting to be changed, apparently.
Managing to clean up after her daughter's soiled diaper, Bianca made sure her other babies were alright before doing a few more household chores.
The Twins climbed aboard the big yellow bus and sat up front on the red plastic seats. They were excited about their first day of school and couldn't wait to tell their parents about it.

Justin couldn't take them home because he was staying late at the school to help his fellow coworkers grade finals. He had called Bianca earlier to tell her the kids would be on the bus and that he would come home a bit later than usual.

"It's finals time and my coworkers are overwhelmed with grading tests," Justin explains to his wife over the phone. "I've been pretty efficient, so I have extra time. I'm going to stay at work for a while, sorry for the short notice."
Bianca answered her cellphone when she was taking out the trash...

Apparently, somebody had kicked it down, spilling the entire 

garbage on the swampy grass.
As soon as the Twins were dropped off from the bus in front of their house, it began to rain. Bianca called for them to run into the house, hoping they don't get too soaked in the rain or catch a cold.
Bianca was a bit hungry, so she grabbed a leftover birthday cake slice.

"And my teacher told me that she needs me to drop off a big stack of permission slips at City Hall," Justine rambles on about her first day of school. "It's for the upcoming field trip they're planning for the elementary school."

Swhile Brian made his bed and Justine took out the trash that was upstairs.

Bianca washed the dishes as her kids continued to do their household chores.
Once they were finished, the Twins decided to do their homework together. Turns out, they were in the same class since Twinbrook didn't have many elementary students.
After having finished doing some more chores, 
Bianca went to play with Rosalie for a while.

Justin soon arrived home and immediately went towards Carlie, who was crying about being lonely. Bianca then went to change Ashlie's dirty diaper.

Brian quickly finished his homework before his older sister did... Which Justin noticed as he cradled Carlie in his arms.

Justin got promoted to being a Substitute Teacher as well as a bonus of $288. He now makes $29 per hour and works from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM; keeping the same working hours from when he had been a Teacher's Aide.
Bianca used the bathroom only to find out that she has clogged it up...
"Dang it!"
Since Brian has finished his chores and homework, he gets ready for bed, just like his father told him to do.

Brian runs upstairs to take a freezing cold shower. After all, he loves the cold.
Text Message
from Lang Gwydd

Come to my party, Justine. It's going to be AWESOME! It's formal attire and it's tonight at 8:40 - it's at the same place we used to live together, remember the times, roomie?

Justin quickly replied to his good old friend's text message, "I'll be there."
He told Bianca, who was okay with it since the kids would be off to bed soon, leaving her some time to herself.

Thanking her with a kiss, Justin kisses his children goodnight before heading towards his old home - which he shared with his best friend plus one of their mutual friends.
As Justine watches over her sisters in the living room as she also does her homework, Bianca takes a bath to clean off today's dirt from her body.

Brian, on the other hand, has gotten out of the shower and checks under his bed for any creepy, red-eyed, and sharp-clawed monster lurking... Waiting to attack when Brian is fast asleep.

Luckily, Brian finds no monster and pulls off his shoes as he changes into his pajamas.

Brian tiredly climbs into his bed and tucks himself under his covers...
Before long, Brian is deeply asleep. Seems that he's having a dream about joining the medical career track.
Justin arrives at his old home, remembering all the times he and his two roommates shared together when he was still a bachelor fresh out of high school.
Once she finishes her homework, Justine puts her homework into her folder and then zips it up into her backpack that rests by the front door. Then she removes her clothes to change into her jammies for bed - not bothering to shower or brush her teeth since she's sleepy.
While Justine wraps her blanket around her, her toy (whom she named Wiggles) that she received from her great-Aunt Francine is standing up straight, in a running position; Brian's toy, Lucky, is slumped next to his bed.
Bianca changes after coming out of the bath, and then eats some more leftover cake (which doesn't seem to run out around here). But, she's interrupted when Rosalie begins to cry to be played with.
Bianca subsides Rosalie's social meter and then places her daughter's 
into their cribs for the night.
As the kids are upstairs and (hopefully) sleeping for the night, 
Bianca manages to do some laundry.

Just then, Justin arrives home from Lang's (Bianca's admirer) party. He didn't drink much, but his breath has a hint of alcohol.
Upstairs in the kids' bedroom, the Twins are awaken by Rosalie's famous cries...
Just then, Brian sees Lucky change from a toddler-sized doll into a child-sized doll in a blink of an eye...

Justine cannot see Brian's imaginary friend, but she can see hers. Wiggles has also gotten taller than he used to be.
Justine and Brian cannot bear Rosalie's cries, especially at night, 
while they were snoring happily.
Lucky walks up to his friend, Brian, and they begin to discuss their favorite foods...
Bianca, meanwhile, is sleeping soundly as she dreams about burglars breaking into her home as she tries to reach out for Justin, who is climbing upstairs to calm down Rosalie.
Justin scoops up his daughter in his arms as he tells the Twins to go back to bed. After feeding Rosalie with a warm milk bottle that Bianca had left near the babies' cribs.

Soon, Ashlie wants to be fed, too.

As he feeds Little Ash, Justine dreams about the rude awakening she had received a few moments ago while Brian is already deeply asleep, again.
After making sure his kids were sleeping comfortably, Justin headed downstairs and ate leftover birthday cake...
He later left his plate on the counter, and headed towards the bathroom to bathe and use the toilet.
Carlie was the one to fall asleep first...

Now let's just hope Ashlie nor Rosalie (especially not Rosalie) would cry and wake up the rest of the Ewing-Kayes family.

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