Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sims 3: Ewing-Kayes (Part 17)

Since Ashlie didn't age up with her birthday cake, Bianca decided to give back the cake, which she was given $26 for - four dollars less than its original price.

The twenty-six dollars added up to their household funds, which is now $971.
Justine was still sick; and she still hadn't told her mother. She was hoping the cold could go away by itself since she was afraid of hospitals - especially doctors and needles; for some reason, they always have some bad news, as Justine says.
As Justine continued to sneeze uncontrollably, she headed outside, telling her mother (who was noticing her sneeze attacks) that she needed some fresh air, " 'Cause it's dusty in here."
Justin and his mother decide to slow dance, since one day Justin's going to need to dance for a party or maybe his children's weddings.
While she's outside, Justine decides to recycle the newspaper 
placed next to the front door. Wiggles skips after her.
Love pops up into Brian's thoughts, and he just chuckles at the thought...
Bianca is downstairs doing some laundry in the basement. The freshly clean clothes smell wonderful, and she can't help but want to absorb the smell. It's intoxicating.
After Justin's parents and brother leave for the night, 
Bianca tells the Twins to get ready for bed as she cleans up after her guests.
The Twins went up the spiral staircase to their bedroom on the first door to the left.
As they walked to their dresser to get changed, Justine began to tell her twin brother about her imaginary friend, Wiggles, as Brian slipped out of his shoes.

Brian then told his sister about his own imaginary friend, Lucky.
As Justine listened to Brian's story she began to kick off her shoes and socks...

Once Brian was finished, Justine wanted to play Rock, Paper, Scissors  Brian agreed and they began to play the game for a bit.

At first, both of them picked Rock, resulting in a tie for Round 1.
Then, Justine motioned Scissors with her fingers as Brian balled up his fist for Rock. Round 2 for Brian.
Justine's eyes widened as she tried to guess what he would pick for Round 3 as they both said, "Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!" while bumping their fists against their palm. Brian accidentally gave away what he chose as he formed it with his two fingers; and Justine beat his Scissors with Rock.

She smiled in victory as they continued their game.

Round 4 ended being a tie as they both picked Paper.

Round 5 was the last round for the night, and Justine's Rock lost to Brian's Paper; meaning Brian was the winner of their game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Brian continued to talk about Lucky as Justine listened to her brother talk.

*Creator's Note:*

Archie, Jenna, and Calvin Kayes all seem like they don't to leave...? So, Archie and Jenna whip out their rakes and begin to rake the autumn leaves as Calvin just stands in front of the front door.

At least they're getting rid of one more chore, right?
"I think you're gonna like winter coming, Brian," Justine says. "I read the weather article for tomorrow and it says that it will start getting colder and it'll be the first day of winter."

"You think it'll snow?" Brian was crazy about snow; he wanted to spend his entire days outside during the winter season when he was four years-old, just a toddler back then.

Justine didn't get why her brother loved the cold so much; cold weather made the plants hide for a few months, made trees lose their leaves, and made her cheeks feel like they were frozen when she was outside. But, she couldn't judge him - Brian also wondered why she loved the heat so much, too.

Hot seasons and whether made people sweat a lot, caused heatstroke, and gave him sunburns when he forgot to put on sunblock; even though his mother kept nagging him to do it before he went outside.
Ashlie began to cry, she was tired and wanted to be put to bed.
Bianca was having a hard time with the washing machine, as she had to continue to forcefully close the lip tightly - though it continued to prop back up, taunting her.
Stripping down from his clothes, Brian buttoned up into his pajamas and checked under his bed; his normal routine before heading to bed for the night.

He was scared silly of all the scary stories his Uncle Calvin told him before, though Uncle Calvin didn't mean any harm, it still freaked out Brian.
Once Bianca won the fight between the washing machine's lid and herself, 
she headed upstairs to the second floor to clean the kids' toilet.
Justin, on the other hand, was getting the Triplets ready for bed. He first fed them their bottle of milk and then bathed them before changing them into their pajamas.
Bianca did more household chores as she made sure the Twins were getting ready for bed.
She especially liked that they got along so well, and weren't displaying the love/hate relationship most siblings shared, yet.
"Goodnight, Bri-Bri," Justine said to her twin brother.
Brian didn't like it when she called him that, but he allowed it. "Goodnight, Justie."

Justine allowed her brother to call her that, though she didn't like the nickname. "It sounds like touchie," she said once. "I'm not a butt."
Justine climbed onto the top bunk as she ducked below the ceiling, careful not to hit her head against it - she's gotten used to having to crawl on all fours so her head can be protected.
"Mommy," Brian said as she came into the room.
"Yes, Brian?"
"Can you read me a bedtime story, please?"
Bianca nodded her head, "Okay. Climb into bed and I'll head downstairs to get a book."

"Okie-Dokie, Mama," Brian did as he was told. He made his bed before crawling onto it.
Justin's a bit upset because he just received a text from Alma Drill, 
saying that her party is about to start soon and he'd better not miss it.

Justin's not upset about that, it's just that she keeps texting him to show up when he'd rather stay with his family - besides, he doesn't really know her, they just went to high school together.
Justin kissed Carlie goodnight...
Putting to bed all of his Triplets. Rosalie seemed like she didn't want him to go.

Justin headed downstairs to bed, where he quickly began to 
snore once his head hit the pillow.
Bianca had taken a quick shower and had come upstairs to read Brian a book, 
like she had promised.

She always read the kids her favorite book while growing up, "True Fairy Tales". She'd read one chapter every night. Tonight's tale was "Peter and The Green Dragon".

The story was about a brave young man named Peter, who everybody in the village didn't like and often treated him poorly for being a clever thief (he never gets caught) and the people of the village believe he will never amount to anything. But, when The Green Dragon arrives in the village, everybody hides from it since The Green Dragon is deadly and feared among the village people. But, when Peter cannot find a place to hide because he gets kicked out from the rest of the hiding places by the people, he soon faces The Green Dragon. He's afraid of being killed, so Peter slays the dragon, and earns everybody's respect. He's soon treated like a king in the village.
Brian listens intently to the story, feeling bad for the late Green Dragon, wondering if the dragon's family is sad for his death and wonders if Peter feels bad about hurting The Green Dragon and his family.

His mind begins to wonder as his eyes droop. 
Before long, he's fast asleep as his mother's soft voice continues.
Justine had fallen asleep as she tried to remain awake to listen to her mother finish the story. The Triplets, for the first time(!), all slept soundly.
Bianca noticed Brian's soft snoring and closed the book. She put it on the table with the lamp, and kissed him goodnight. She then reached over to Justine and tucked her into the blanket, kissing her goodnight. Bianca also kissed the Triplets goodnight before turning off the light and leaving the room quietly.
Wiggles and Lucky kept transporting everywhere, leaving flashes of blue electricity in the air as well as a glow of yellow light.
Justine softly snores, trying to ignore Wiggles' transportation.
Bianca trudges off to bed, next to her snoring husband.
Meanwhile, Justine dreams of forgiveness or about meeting somebody new.
Brian, on the other hand, is dreaming about his home, about his large family.
Justine's dream soon changes and she's dreaming about joining a track team. She really wants to race, since she seems to enjoy it.
Bianca dreams about buying her family a computer or a laptop, for schoolwork, business, and all that good stuff. Justin seems to have the same dream like his daughter, but he's dreaming about meeting Bianca's family - it occurs to him that he's never even heard her talk about them or seen any pictures of them. 

All she has said is that her parents live in Hidden Springs; she has an older sister and brother, whom both have their own families and live in Hidden Springs, too. But, that's all she'll say about them.
Bianca then dreams about the squirrels scurrying around outside in the freezing air. Justin dreams about picturing how it might be nice to live somewhere else, fit for a larger family. He wants another child, but he knows that's not possible since their family is not financially stable yet.

Bianca dreams about her upcoming birthday in a few weeks, and worries about how she'd look like when she's middle-aged.
Then she dreams about her hometown, Hidden Springs, 
and the gorgeous scenery.
Wiggles and Lucky have gone into SLEEP MODE, waiting for their friends, Justine and Brian, to awake to come back to life.
Justine dreams about winning her first race while Brian dreams about becoming an athlete when he grows up, since he does have the Athletic trait.
Later, Brian's dream shifts into "Peter and The Green Dragon". He dreams about how The Green Dragon was hated and feared by the village people. He wonders why he didn't make friends with people; but, then again, Brian thinks about how he wouldn't be friends with the mean village people - especially the way they treated Peter and previous dead dragons.

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