As the sun finally peeks into the kids' bedroom, it's no surprise to find out
that Rosalie is the first one to wake up in the morning - wailing to be fed.
that Rosalie is the first one to wake up in the morning - wailing to be fed.
Brian wakes up to his little sister's cries, as Justine grumpily tries to block out the baby's crying with her pillow on the side of her head.
Justin is already awake and dressed, so he walks up to the bedroom
and settles down his crying infant.
Brian comes downstairs for some breakfast, which is leftover birthday cake - again.
Justine grabs the same thing as Brian cleans up his plate and the plate that was left by Justin last night.
Justine grabs the same thing as Brian cleans up his plate and the plate that was left by Justin last night.
*Creator's Note:*
I, like the total moron I am, didn't realize that I woke up the Sims to get ready for school - on a Saturday. I realized that when I made Justin call in work to take some unpaid time off because he barely got any sleep last night from Lang's party. The notifications bubble popped up, saying that he has three days off of work.

I was like, Three days? That's when I went on his Work tab and noticed it was a Saturday and he wouldn't go to work until Tuesday... I felt like Tom the Cat from Tom & Jerry did in one episode when he was tricked (I think) by Jerry and he stopped running and faced the audience, his face soon was replaced by either a lollipop with the word SUCKER on it or by the face of a
donkey - hinting that he realized he was a dumbass.
Brian decided to help tidy the house a bit for his sleeping mother, so he cleaned the bathtub in the downstairs bathroom. He made sure the dirty rings in the tub were completely gone.
Justine, on the other hand, was in the upstairs bathroom, getting ready to take a nice hot shower since she didn't take one last night. Unlike her brother, Justine loves the heat.
Justine, on the other hand, was in the upstairs bathroom, getting ready to take a nice hot shower since she didn't take one last night. Unlike her brother, Justine loves the heat.
As the water run, Justine quickly ran downstairs towards the basement. She climbed on the drying machine and reached for the cabinets to get a special toy for her underwater adventures.
She ran back upstairs and shut the water off before the bathtub could overflow and removed her clothes. Eagerly, she entered the extremely warm water and began to play with her toy. She had a lot of fun, as you can tell as she giggled on her adventures in the "sea".
She ran back upstairs and shut the water off before the bathtub could overflow and removed her clothes. Eagerly, she entered the extremely warm water and began to play with her toy. She had a lot of fun, as you can tell as she giggled on her adventures in the "sea".
Justin had crawled back to bed next to his wife after feeding Rosalie.
He was glad to catch up on some dearly missed Z's.
He was glad to catch up on some dearly missed Z's.
The unclogged toilet overflowed the tiled bathroom floor, so Brian went down to the basement to get the mop that lay resting next to the broom. He began to mop up the dirty water. He definitely like to have a tidy house, especially with other little children around.
Back in the kids' bedroom, Rosalie and Carlie were both wailing, wanting to be changed and fed. Bianca woke up to their screams and headed upstairs to soothe her triplet daughters.
When Bianca arrived in the room, it seemed that all three of her babies were having a "who can cry the loudest" contest. Since Rosalie is the famous wailer out of the three, I think you already know who won the contest.
When Bianca arrived in the room, it seemed that all three of her babies were having a "who can cry the loudest" contest. Since Rosalie is the famous wailer out of the three, I think you already know who won the contest.
Brian took a bath and changed quickly, not wanting to be surrounded by echoing cries in his bedroom. He could see how his mother had her hands filled with his three sisters; Brian knew he had to help her out, no matter how small it was.
When he went downstairs, Brian grabbed a large black plastic garbage bag and began to dump all of the trashcans' contents into the bag to take out to the trashcan for the garbage men that would arrive on Monday morning.
Lucky followed Brian out with an umbrella, knowing it would rain soon.
When he went downstairs, Brian grabbed a large black plastic garbage bag and began to dump all of the trashcans' contents into the bag to take out to the trashcan for the garbage men that would arrive on Monday morning.
Lucky followed Brian out with an umbrella, knowing it would rain soon.
Lucky was right. Soon enough, it began to rain lightly, but it wouldn't be like that for long.
Lucky didn't really mind so much of the rain, but he made sure Brian knew and asked if he wanted to use the umbrella.
Lucky didn't really mind so much of the rain, but he made sure Brian knew and asked if he wanted to use the umbrella.
Bianca fed her growing baby Ashlie her milk...
But Ashlie continued to wail, making Carlie join in.
But Ashlie continued to wail, making Carlie join in.
Meanwhile, Justine was watching TV on the brand new TV her father had gone out to buy for the family last night as he came back from the party. It was an Old Timey Tele that cost about $200. This had sent their household funds down to $1,009.
Bianca fed a hungry Carlie, who soon drifted off into one of her daily naps.
Justin wasn't sleeping comfortably... He was having a little nightmare.
He was afraid that he couldn't support his large family, and that he couldn't make them happy with the little money he was bringing in.
But, the dream soon turned around; the clean and fresh sheets soothed him as he continued to smell them... Like he was an actor on those Febreze commercials.
He was afraid that he couldn't support his large family, and that he couldn't make them happy with the little money he was bringing in.
But, the dream soon turned around; the clean and fresh sheets soothed him as he continued to smell them... Like he was an actor on those Febreze commercials.
Making sure her daughters were okay, especially Rosalie, Bianca headed downstairs for some breakfast as her children watched TV.
Justine's imaginary friend, Wiggles, walked around oblivious to Brian's imaginary friend, Lucky, who was just staring at the television, too.
Justine's imaginary friend, Wiggles, walked around oblivious to Brian's imaginary friend, Lucky, who was just staring at the television, too.
After eating her breakfast, Bianca slipped her plate into the sink and went to the bathroom... She remembered that it was clogged up. Heading down to the basement, Bianca came back upstairs with the plumber to unclog the toilet - which was hard and disgusting work.
After taking a bath that was freshly cleaned by Brian, Bianca changed and then called Justin's family over for the Triplet's birthdays.
They would be over in two hours, leaving Bianca enough time to head to the grocery store and buy three cakes that cost $90, total; this lowered their household funds to $919.
Bianca had made sure the Twins wouldn't disturb their restless father and that if the babies woke up and if they were hungry, to grab one of the milk bottles in the refrigerator and feed them. Luckily, the babies slept through their naps.
Justin's parents, Archie and Jenna Kayes, soon arrived with a teenage Calvin, who seemed a bit upset about something. Archie, on the other hand, still didn't shower and showed up burnt from the last time he visited the Kayes.
Just as his family arrived, Justin got a call from Alma Drill. She was inviting him to her party at her house that would start at 8:59 PM - causal attire. But, Justin politely decline, saying it was his daughters' birthday. Alma understood and wished the Triplets a happy birthday.
Just as his family arrived, Justin got a call from Alma Drill. She was inviting him to her party at her house that would start at 8:59 PM - causal attire. But, Justin politely decline, saying it was his daughters' birthday. Alma understood and wished the Triplets a happy birthday.
Jenna text a man a friendly text as Justine came out to
invite her paternal grandparents and uncle inside.
Calvin thought there was something wrong about his nephew, Brian, since he was talking to the air... But, he was talking to Lucky.
Wiggles entered the living room as Justine noticed
Uncle Calvin staring oddly at her brother.
Wiggles entered the living room as Justine noticed
Uncle Calvin staring oddly at her brother.
Grandpa Archie picked up little Carlie, whom he seemed fond of.
Justin lifted up Rosalie in his arms and went to one of the birthday cakes so she could blow out the candle. The Kayes family began to cheer on Rosalie, singing happy birthday...
Jenna and Calvin, on the other hand, seemed to be arguing.
Jenna had insulted her own son about not being proper, which seemed to hurt his feelings hearing it from his own mother.
Jenna had insulted her own son about not being proper, which seemed to hurt his feelings hearing it from his own mother.
Angrily, he shouted at her, too. Both were oblivious to Rosalie's birthday.
Rosalie smiles, for once not crying much, and is happily staring at
her older siblings' faces as they sing her happy birthday.
Justine isn't feeling so hot; she thinks she has a cold, and she's right. She'll tell her mother after the party, not wanting to ruin her sisters' birthdays.
her older siblings' faces as they sing her happy birthday.
Justine isn't feeling so hot; she thinks she has a cold, and she's right. She'll tell her mother after the party, not wanting to ruin her sisters' birthdays.
While Jenna and Calvin continue arguing, the rest of the family have their eyes set on Rosalie as she giggles at all the attention she's getting.
Rosalie, with her father's help, blows out her candle...
Seems like Justin's more excited than Rosalie.
Seems like Justin's more excited than Rosalie.
Rosalie is soon engulfed in the rainbow sparkles of the age transition from baby to toddler.
Rosalie Kayes
Left: Rosalie before. Right: Rosalie after.
Rosalie Kayes
Left: Rosalie before. Right: Rosalie after.
Next, it was Carlie's turn to blow out her birthday cake.
Grandma Jenna grabs a piece of Rosalie's cake, as well as Uncle Calvin...
The rest of Carlie's family sing her the birthday song.
The rest of Carlie's family sing her the birthday song.
With her father's help, Carlie's birthday candle is soon extinguished.
Just like her older sister, Carlie giggles as the colorful sparks of age lift her into the air and she ages up into a little toddler.
Carlie Kayes
Carlie Kayes
Left: Carlie before. Right: Carlie after.
Meanwhile, Jenna offers her husband some yellow flowers
which (this time) he accepts.
which (this time) he accepts.
Ashlie, unfortunately, ages up without a birthday cake. Her mother, Bianca, is the only one who witnesses her transition into a toddler.
Ashlie Kayes
Above: Ashlie before.
Below: Ashlie after.
Below: Ashlie after.
The Triplets are dressed in the headbands that Bianca had picked up earlier today as she was shopping. She got them in different colors that the girls liked yet kept
the same pattern.
Rosalie is the one with the blue headband, Carlie is in the hot pink one, and Ashlie is wearing the violet headband.
the same pattern.
Rosalie is the one with the blue headband, Carlie is in the hot pink one, and Ashlie is wearing the violet headband.
As Jenna talks about how Justin was when he was younger along with Calvin, Calvin sticks his fingers into his ears, making noises to block out his mother's voice - which has grown to irritate him.
Justine notices the tension between them, but doesn't say anything - she doesn't want to be rude, especially not in front of her parents.
Justine notices the tension between them, but doesn't say anything - she doesn't want to be rude, especially not in front of her parents.
Justin chases after a tricky Little Rosalie and scoops her up into the air; her fits of uncontrollable laughter makes Justin grin at her.
Justin places Rosalie in Justine's old baby swing while Jenna holds onto Carlie...
Seems Justin's parents prefer Carlie over the rest of his children.
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