Monday morning comes along, forcing Justin and Bianca to wake up at 6:00 AM.
"Twins, time for school," Bianca knocks on the kids' bedroom door.
She yawns as she speaks, "Justine... Brian..."
Tiredly, Bianca twists the doorknob and the door slowly opens. Bianca, turns on the light, and tries not to wake her triplet daughters - she doesn't need her hands full right now.
"Brian, come on, get up. Time for school, Little Baby Boy," Bianca gently shakes him awake as she turns her attention to Justine, snoring soundly on the top bunk. "Justine... Wake up, honey. You need to get ready for school."
Brian swings his legs off the bed, like a tired zombie,
he makes his way out of the room and downstairs for breakfast.
Justine, with her eyes still closed, climbs down the ladder and follows her brother.
Carlie wakes up, and giggles as she sees Justine walk in a zombie-like way out the door. Ashlie also wakes up, and stares at the inside of her crib.
As Brian puts away the gallon of milk, he grabs his bowl of cereal,
just as Justin hangs up the kitchen phone.
"Looks like school's cancelled today, buddy." Justin glances at his groggy son. "Since there's been heavy snow this morning, today is declared Snow Day. Guess you can go back to bed if you want."
Brian shakes his head a bit, "I think I'll just eat some cereal, Dad."
"Okay, Brian, I'll turn on the TV to SpongeBob."
After Justin fiddles with the remote for a while, he hears Ashlie's cries from upstairs. He goes to the kids' bedroom to comfort her hungry stomach.
Just as Bianca is about to feed Carlie, Rosalie wakes up.
Justine grabs a bowl of cereal as her brother is about to wash his bowl.
Bianca turns her attention to Rosalie while Carlie jugs down
her bottle of milk.
her bottle of milk.
Justine ate her cereal bowl slowly as Brian hurriedly cleaned his plate in the sink.
Brian quickly ran upstairs to change from his pajamas into something more warm. His father was already in his outer wear, as was his sister, Carlie.
Soon enough, everyone was warmly dressed for Snow Day!
Everyone quickly ran outside, or was carried outside, and the frosty air splashed against Brian's face, exciting him since he loved the cold.
Bianca and Justin make snow angels while the Twins build a snowman.
Everyone is enjoying their winter season activities; the parents are making snow angels, the Twins are building a snowman, and the Triplets are playfully tossing snow at each other.
Bianca and Justin love their snow angels, and share a kiss in this perfect cold day.
The Twins finish their snowman, whom they name "Frosty" - really original, huh?
The Twins then set on making their own snow angels.
The Twins then set on making their own snow angels.
Justin, on the other hand, decides to build an igloo. A place where they can all go spend some time during the "most wonderful time of the year".
Bianca, on the other hand, needs to go out shopping for Christmas gifts. Making an excuse to go out shopping for groceries (which they do need), Justine asks if her mother can drop her off at City Hall to turn in the permission slips for their upcoming class field trip to the theater. Bianca agrees, and they climb into Justin's car.
"I'll pick you up in an hour," Bianca tells Justine as she climbs out the backseat. "Don't talk to any strangers, and don't go anywhere but around this lot, alright?"
"Yes, Mom," Justin says as she closes the car door and faces her mother.
"Good," Bianca says as she leans a bit out her driver's window. "Now give Mommy a kiss."
Justine walks towards her mother, who is still in the car with one hand on the steering wheel. She kisses her mother's cheek through the open driver's window and waves goodbye as she climbs City Hall's stairs.
"I'll pick you up in an hour," Bianca tells Justine as she climbs out the backseat. "Don't talk to any strangers, and don't go anywhere but around this lot, alright?"
"Yes, Mom," Justin says as she closes the car door and faces her mother.
"Good," Bianca says as she leans a bit out her driver's window. "Now give Mommy a kiss."
Justine walks towards her mother, who is still in the car with one hand on the steering wheel. She kisses her mother's cheek through the open driver's window and waves goodbye as she climbs City Hall's stairs.
Bianca drives off, leaving Justine alone to hand in the permission slips.
City Hall was pleased to see the pile of permission slips promptly placed in the mail slot. Justine received extra-credit for doing it for her teacher.
Now she was waiting patiently inside the lobby for her mother to pick her up.
City Hall was pleased to see the pile of permission slips promptly placed in the mail slot. Justine received extra-credit for doing it for her teacher.
Now she was waiting patiently inside the lobby for her mother to pick her up.

Bianca arrived at the Twinbrook Buy and Bargain Consignment Shop. She locked her car and quickly ran into the door, passing by a teenage girl doing her homework outside in the cold air.
Bianca looked around, trying to find gifts for her children. She called Justin, who was still working on the igloo, and asked for some advice on what the kids would want.
While she was waiting in ling with her cart full of the gifts she could afford for her family under her $971 funds, Justin told Bianca that Brian had caught a cold and needed to schedule a doctor's appointment. Bianca agreed, and made the appointment as the blonde female cashier rang up her things.
Bianca also had a little surprise family gift for everyone, and had gone over it with Justin in private before. She couldn't wait to see the faces on her kids when they found out on Christmas day.
Once her Christmas shopping was done, Bianca made sure the gifts were in the trunk, and she locked it with the key - just in case the Twins lifted up the trunk. Bianca then had to do some grocery shopping at the Grocery Grab Supermarket, the place she had worked at before she became pregnant with the Twins.
After a long day, Bianca and Justine arrived home, and Justin helped with the groceries as Brian was upstairs brushing his teeth, ready for bed.
After a long day, Bianca and Justine arrived home, and Justin helped with the groceries as Brian was upstairs brushing his teeth, ready for bed.
The Kayes family then got ready for bed. Bianca puts down Rosalie, who hadn't fallen asleep like her other sisters. Brian and Justine helped out, putting to bed a sleeping Ashlie and Carlie - who were breathing soundly.
With goodnight kisses to her Triplets, Bianca tucked in Justine
as Brian did his nightly routine.
as Brian did his nightly routine.
Then, Bianca tucked in her coughing baby boy,
who quickly drifted off to sleep when he was all warm.
who quickly drifted off to sleep when he was all warm.
While the kids slept, Bianca and Justin decided to do some chores to
tidy up their home.
tidy up their home.
They had set up the Christmas tree earlier, the kids had joined, too. Which explains why Carlie and Ashlie had fallen asleep and why Rosalie didn't want to go to bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Kayes continued to tidy up their home, cleaning sinks and doing laundry with loud and irritating washing machines.
But, the clothes smelled amazing, and Bianca was stuck recycling
frozen newspapers on a Monday night.
frozen newspapers on a Monday night.
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